Problem Gamblers Lawyer
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Documents Referenced in the Statement of Claim

  1. Self-exclusion Form - December 1999 Download.

  2. Self-exclusion Policy/Procedures - December 1999 Download.

  3. Self-exclusion Form - April 1, 2000 Download.

  4. Self-exclusion Policy/Procedures - April 1, 2000 Download.

  5. Self-exclusion Form - July 18, 2000 Download.

  6. Self-exclusion Policy/Procedures - July 18, 2000 Download.

  7. Responsible Gaming Problem Gambling Consultation - October 30, 2001 Download.

    Note: Obtained pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. Document redacted by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation.

  8. "Gamble with your head, not over it!" Download.

    Note: Pamphlet prepared by Canadian Foundation on Compulsive Gambling (Ontario) (predecessor of the Responsible Gaming Council) with the "generous co-operation of Casino Niagara".